Friday 14 February 2014

Urban Exploring

We must profess a slightly guilty secret – nothing terribly exciting in the scheme of things but it does tick one or two boxes.
It’s the slightly edgy ‘sport’ of Urban Exploring.
This is the exploration and photography of abandoned buildings and ruins. The images are then uploaded by the ‘explorers’ for people (like me) who can easily get some degree of thrill even from armchair urban exploring. This is possibly due to being slightly woosy when it comes to any form of danger and of course there is always danger (in various degrees) in exploring abandoned buildings. So with this disclaimer we will continue.
SB recently chanced upon an amazing case of ‘UE’ from the Yonkers, New York State that satisfies several interests – botany, historic architecture…oh, and of course stone balls.
The building of interest is the ex Boyce Thompson Institute building which was built to further botanical research in 1924 by Boyce Thompson and was dedicated ‘to the study of plants and associated organisms for the betterment of society’.
To quote the man himself ‘the dependence of man upon plants is intimate and many sided.  No science is more fundamental to life and more immediately and multifariously practical than plant science.  We have here around us enough unsolved riddles to tax the best scientific genius for centuries to come.’

Architect Frank Arnold Colby designed the Georgian Revival building. It was constructed of reinforced concrete with a Flemish Bond brick veneer and is attached to a series of greenhouses on the south end, which were part of the original construction. Teams of botanists, entomologists and chemists worked at the well-equipped laboratories focusing on cures for plant diseases and methods to increase crop yields using eight greenhouses and indoor facilities for “nature faking”—growing plants in artificial conditions with precise control over light, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels.
By 1974, the Institute had gained an international reputation for its contributions to plant research. However, although soaring air pollution in Yonkers enabled several important experiments at the institute it also hindered many more. Exacerbated by dwindling finances, the BTI moved to a new site at Cornell University and continues to dedicate itself to much needed research in plant science.
Sadly since then, the building, greenhouses and grounds have been left to decay. Wild, uncontrolled vegetation has taken over and ubiquitous vandalism has contributed to the decay. However, the bones of the once glorious building still survive and (thankfully) ‘explorers’ have provided armchair explorers with fascinating images of the interiors and grounds.

Vandalised interior
Wrecked exterior
Decaying glasshouses

Looking at the images and reading about the botany experiments that once took place there was satisfying enough but imagine SB’s surprise when it saw what must be considered the cherry on the cake – i.e. a hulking big stone ball inside the building! It does looks incongruous and simply sad as vandals had dislodged and pushed it inwards from its prominent and venerable position from the grand entrance pediment and down the elegant interior stairway. No doubt smashing several treads on the way. SB’s is acutely aware of the weight of these spherical adornments so it must have been no small task to dislodge.

Rightful place

Final resting place?
Such misguided energy.